Income Opportunities

Are you a retired or semi-retired Plumber looking for part time work in your Country town?
(Australian States only)

Want extra remuneration to supplement your current income?

Our proven promotional program can assist you in building up a lucrative database for regular anode replacement in mains pressure hot water heaters in your area.

At the same time you will be helping your fellow townspeople in achieving the maximum working life from their water heaters (as much as a 2-300% increase).

A representative range of rigid and "flexi" anodes to suit all heaters

We will:-

Assist with a promotional package including letters, forms etc.
Help arrange mailing lists
Provide complete product familiarisation
Provide a technical backup service



You choose your working hours and thus your income!
(Offer applies to Australian market only)

NOTE: Our anode range is manufactured by Timminco Pty. Ltd. as used by all of Australia's water heater manufacturers. They are the only fully approved anodes on the Australian market.

Want to learn more?
Just fill in the following form or click the adjacent email icon

YES PLEASE ! I would like to learn more about part time Anode replacement work in my Country Town
My Name is
I am
/ not a licenced plumber
Street Address
Town State Postcode
Phone Fax
Email Age Retired / semi retired?
Hours available per week 5/10hrs 10/20hrs More