Sacrificial Anodes
Bore Heads and Pipes

For the first time ever…a truly effective preventative barrier against destructive corrosion made possible by the development of new super efficient anodes.

The use of these new highly efficient, dedicated anodes, specifically designed to effectively protect bore heads, casing and risers from the costly ravages of rust will potentially save $millions by doubling or even trebling the working lives of bores.

Two kits are involved:- a “Ground Bed Anode” kit to be buried adjacent to the bore head and a “Lower Casing Kit” for attachment to the riser pipes.

With the ANOGUARDS being consumed instead by rust thus saving your bore pipes, they will require regular replacement for that protection to be ongoing. The timing will vary according to specific conditions however 7-10 years is a reasonable expectation.

Lower Casing Kit

The adjacent illustration shows the installation of one of the anodes supplied in the “Lower Casing Kit” to a riser pipe. The anode is specifically designed to fit in a confined area between the bore casing and the riser pipe and requires only approximately 25mm of space.