Sacrificial Anodes
Rural Applications
Ground Bed (bagged) Anodes (Extruded Magnesium)
Used to economically and effectively control corrosion in:

- Non domestic water tanks – external protection
- Upper Bore Casings and Bore Caps
- Retaining walls of temporary grain storage facilities

GROUND BED (bagged) Anodes are commonly used for the external protection of ground surface or underground tanks, pipelines etc. and are available in a wide range of sizes to suit various applications. They are supplied pre-packaged in a calico bag back filled with a 50:50 Bentonite/Gypsum mix for burial adjacent to the structure requiring protection. An insulated copper cable is attached to the anode core to facilitate completion of the electrical circuit to that structure.

Multi-Fit Anodes (mounting brackets attached)
Used to effectively control corrosion in:

- Steel hulled cruisers and houseboats
- Steel bulk water tanks (internal protection)
- Stock Troughs

Boat Anode
Rudder Anode
Trough Anode

Water tank anodes (squatter’s tanks etc.)
Effectively controls internal corrosion
– Increases life many times over -

Water Tank Internal Anode
Have multi choice bolt spacing's
Suspended Internal Tank Anode


Australia’s largest selection of specialised Anodes
for rural applications.